Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Think Before You Click (Safety First)

Think Before You Click (Safety First)

       What do you do on a social network?You can connect with people...a lot of people. Share your photos. Tell jokes. Share your thoughts on, well, about everything. And see what your friends are up to. It's pretty easy and that's the problem. Sometimes, it's just too easy. 

       You see? A social network may seem harmless but once you logged in, watch out! It can be a dangerous place. So if your parents allow you to have a social account, you have to be smart...social network smart.

        Follow the front-page rule. Don't post anything that you don't wanna see on TV News or the front page of a newspaper and that includes personal information like your phone number, where you live or where you go to school. Never tell people when your not home or when your going to a vacation. It may seem harmless but that's exactly the kind of information the thieves can use to break into your house or even steal your identity. 

        Now, let's look at your reputation. Your photos and comments say a lot about you so if you've made a fool of yourself ask "is this how I really want people to view me now?" but in the future just like a job interview at Proverbs 22:1 the Bible says a good reputation is worth than a silver and gold. Don't delete that key for you. Posting on any social network is kinda like writing in a permanent ink. 

       Okay, so your careful about what you share now think about who your sharing it with, who are your friends. Some people have hundred of online friends, some have thousands so you may think the more friends are better, right? Actually, no. That kind of thinking can blow up in your face.

       You see? When you connect with online friends we're also indirectly with their friends and their friend's friends that means you may find yourself seeing posts from people you don't even know, people who's morals and beliefs may be different from yours. They may use bad language or post about things you know are wrong those aren't the kind of friends you wanna hang around with not even online and there's another danger in Psalm 26:4 the Bible warns about people who hide what they are, they pretend someone they are not, and may seem super friendly but they can be dangerous so when it comes to friends you need to be picky. The safest friends online are the ones you already know offline. 

       There's one more thing to think about! It has to do with your time, checking out the latest post can be addictive so let's set some limits and don''t let your online life get in a way in real life. You know, connecting with others online can be fun and safe as long as you look out for all the dangers. So the next time you log in be smart...social network smart.

Cr. Angelwen Flores


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Think Before You Click (Safety First)

Think Before You Click (Safety First)        What do you do on a social network? You can connect with people...a lot of peopl...